Saturday, November 22, 2008

Closet Clutter - Clutter Buster Ideas

Are your clothes spewing out of your closet and onto the floor? Perhaps it is time to get on top of that closet clutter with some clutter buster ideas.

Get rid of any clothes that you haven't worn in over a year. Or two years for special occasion outfits. Why are you hanging onto them if you consistently don't wear them? Have a clothes swap party with some friends, or give them to a charity store. If you want, you can always sell them on Ebay, if you have the time and inclination. I was planning on this approach, but then realized I just couldn't be bothered. I give some to my boss' daughter instead, some to friends, and the rest to charity.

Hang up all those scarves/belts/ties on a tie hanger. This will put them all in one place and make it easier for them to be found. Put hooks on the inside of your closet to hang up robes, hats, and other items that need a special yet easy to find place to live.

Try those vaccuum seal bags to create more space in your closet. Rotate what needs storing away according to the seasons you need those clothes for. You could even try this with blankets and towels for your linen press cupboard.

Get some clear plastic shoe boxes to deal with your shoe clutter. You will be able to stack them and even make a feature out of them if you choose. Other clutter buster ideas include boxes on top of, or in, your closet, to house those items that are only occasionally needed.

Your closet clutter should be pretty easy to get on top of, even if you only donate five minutes a day to it. The best guide I ever read to dealing with clutter is A quick easy read but full of common sense on dealing with your clutter.