Saturday, November 22, 2008

Closet Clutter - Clutter Buster Ideas

Are your clothes spewing out of your closet and onto the floor? Perhaps it is time to get on top of that closet clutter with some clutter buster ideas.

Get rid of any clothes that you haven't worn in over a year. Or two years for special occasion outfits. Why are you hanging onto them if you consistently don't wear them? Have a clothes swap party with some friends, or give them to a charity store. If you want, you can always sell them on Ebay, if you have the time and inclination. I was planning on this approach, but then realized I just couldn't be bothered. I give some to my boss' daughter instead, some to friends, and the rest to charity.

Hang up all those scarves/belts/ties on a tie hanger. This will put them all in one place and make it easier for them to be found. Put hooks on the inside of your closet to hang up robes, hats, and other items that need a special yet easy to find place to live.

Try those vaccuum seal bags to create more space in your closet. Rotate what needs storing away according to the seasons you need those clothes for. You could even try this with blankets and towels for your linen press cupboard.

Get some clear plastic shoe boxes to deal with your shoe clutter. You will be able to stack them and even make a feature out of them if you choose. Other clutter buster ideas include boxes on top of, or in, your closet, to house those items that are only occasionally needed.

Your closet clutter should be pretty easy to get on top of, even if you only donate five minutes a day to it. The best guide I ever read to dealing with clutter is A quick easy read but full of common sense on dealing with your clutter.

Bedroom Clutter - Conquer Clutter

Ah the bedroom clutter problem. It happens to the best of us. Where did your peaceful haven for sleep go, and how can you get it back? To conquer clutter you must take control of your bedroom clutter.

First, make the bed. This alone makes the room look less cluttered. You really only need your pillows, and perhaps a few cushions, as your bed decoration. As well as your bed lines of course. Next, hang up all your clothes, or put them away into drawers. There is no reason for clothing items to be lying around the bedroom. This just adds to the sense of bedroom clutter.

Next, check all your horizontal surfaces. This includes dressing tables, chests of drawers, beside tables, and even the floor. To conquer clutter you need to stop those hot spots from forming. Put out a few of your items on display, and don't let that spot become a breeding place for clutter.

Your bedroom should be a peaceful haven for you to retire to. If you have too much bedroom clutter, you may feel restless and unable to relax properly in your bedroom. This is because your brain is bothered by all the visual clutter. Get rid of it and give yourself some peace. Bedroom clutter is easy to stay in control of, as long as you put your clothes away, make the bed, clear the surfaces and enjoy your sanctuary.

Clutter Free Home - Clutter Management

Keeping your home clutter free is relatively easy once it IS clutter free. Nevertheless, it still has a way of sneaking up and rearing its ugly head again. Clutter management is really about keeping what you need, use and love, and getting new homes for the rest. Donate it, give it to your best friend, just free your junk so you can have a clutter free home.

A clutter free home will only stay that way if you constantly stay on top of it. Do whatever fits in with your schedule. Pick up after yourself, and always put things away and back in their place. This is the golden rule to clutter management. A few extra seconds or minutes spent putting items back where they belong when not in use will seriously save you hours of work later on. Why? Clutter breeds clutter. If you leave a junk pile out to fester, it will attract more junk and clutter to itself. Before you know it there is a mountain of clutter, or many mini-mountains, threatening to take over your clutter free home.

Learn the easy way like I did. All your clutter management tools are at This alone got my home clutter free.

Declutter Your Home - How To Get Rid of Clutter

Does your home look like a bomb has hit it? Do you need an easy way to get rid of clutter? I know how you feel. I am the original pack-rat. I would just keep everything, just in case I might need it again one day.

I'm not sure when I finally turned the corner, but over the years I have felt exhausted by all my clutter. Clutter stops you getting on with your life. It drags you down. How can you really achieve any goals with all the clutter staring at you? Some of you might be able to, but I don't think I am one of them.

You don't have to get rid of clutter all in one go - you can move it to one location, so the rest of your home is free of clutter, then just attack that location little and often. I honestly find this is the best method for me. I get rid of all what I don't need in one go, so my rooms are nice and clear, put it all in one place yet I haven't thrown the baby out with the bathwater, as I then attack that one pile bit by bit. I admit though when I first started to get rid of my clothing excess, wouldn't you know it, six months later I was cursing myself for chucking out a skirt I wanted to wear. Never mind the fact I had not worn it in about 17 years. Now I wanted it, and it was gone. Oh well. You know what? I built a bridge and got over it!

How to get rid of clutter gets a bit addictive too. This is yet another good reason not to bolt down to the thrift store to get rid of your clutter. Just do your bathroom cupboard, or under the sink cupboard again. You will be amazed at how this can junk up in a matter of months.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

DeClutter Fast Review: Does DeClutter Fast Really Work?

Are you overwhelmed by your clutter? DeClutter Fast is a best selling ebook on the topic of getting your home into order almost immediately.

If you are embarrassed by your home when unexpected visitors drop in, this ebook might do for you what it did for me.
If you find you have junk piles staring at you and depleting your energy and goals, you will be energized and inspired into action by this quick read.

DeClutter Fast is short and easy to read, and the quickest solution to getting your clutter under control. The reader is promised that the process will be easy and pain-free (even for hoarders).

I was amazed at all this little book had to offer. Inside this gem I learnt;

*that other people judge you by your level of clutter

*how to declutter your entire home in a maximum of two days

*why 'traditional' methods don't work for many

*how to make it "easy, fast and stress-free"

*how to organize ALL of your paper clutter

*the easy way to organize your clothing

"17 essentials" you need a place for in your home

After reading and applying this ebook, my home is much bigger due to all the crap I have removed during the decluttering process. My home used to suffer from all my "bargains" and "collections", but I could never find important items when I needed them. The photo above is my living room, AFTER I applied what I read.

I like things to be kept on the simple side, so I found DeClutter Fast to be all that it promised - a quick read, an easy and pain-free way to decluttering. It really IS an easy solution to my clutter problem. I am no longer a hoarder.

If you are overwhelmed by your clutter, you will be inspired into action if you peruse this cheap little read. As someone who (used to) love to hoard "just in case I need it", I found both the reading and the action I took to be very liberating. I now have more energy for the things I want to focus on in my life, instead of focusing on my clutter.
In fact I enjoyed reading it so much, I actually wished it was longer, as I liked the authors writing style. Get Declutter Fast Now!